📄zyke_lib error

Getting errors trying to use the zyke_lib resource?

No such export Fetch in resource zyke_lib

Starting zyke_lib in the wrong place

The most common issue when getting errors regarding zyke_lib is that it's started in the wrong place. The simplest fix for this is to place it right under it's dependencies, which at the time of writing this is the framework file. Placing it above everything else ensures that you didn't miss anything. If you do however have other dependencies, placing "zyke_lib" above "zyke_x" scripts will be fine.

Please note that simple mistakes can happen. If you for example placed "zyke_drugdealer" inside of "[qb]" folder, then you start "zyke_lib" above starting "zyke_drugdealer", but below starting "[qb]", you will get an error because "zyke_drugdealer" has been started above "zyke_lib" since it existed inside of the "[qb]" folder.

Incorrect name for zyke_lib

When downloading from Github, your folder will automatically be named "x-master". This means that "zyke_lib" will be named "zyke_lib-master". When using exports, the server is looking for af older named "zyke_lib", which means that it can't find the correct folder. Simply change the name of your folder and your issue should be resolved.

Incorrect name in shared/config.lua

Default, zyke_lib is designed for QBCore, but that can easily be changed. When entering your framework (Config.Framework) make sure that your capital letters are correct. This is a universal requirement, not just in zyke_lib, but when chaning a string, make sure to always follow exactly what the comment says. Example is typing "esx" when "ESX" is required, it won't work.

Attempt to call a nil value

What does this mean?

When developing, Zyke Resources will use the latest versions available. This means that if you're running an older server your functions may not align with the newly available ones. Inside of "zyke_x" scripts, we trigger functions inside of "zyke_lib" which will then trigger the correct function for your framework. This means that if you're missing the function that is triggered by default, you can swap them out for functions that works for your version.

Please note that this can also occur on newer servers that are running custom inventories, custom progressbars etc that are not default for your framework, following the same guide as above will also fix this.

Last updated