Various steps to ensure our script works on your server.
In-depth Guide
You just downloaded our resources and wondering where to get started? This is for you. We will instruct you on how to get it set up for all different types of servers.
Basic Setup
To get started, you will need to have completed at least these listed steps. It is very much recommended to read the rest of the page to ensure the resource runs smooth on your server.
First, make sure to download all dependencies. It is also important that you follow a proper starting sequence, you can use our guide (Resource Starting Sequence) if you are uncertain.
zyke_vehdeformation (Optional - Highly Recommended)
zyke_sounds (Optional - Highly Recommended)
Run Databases
For this particular resource, there are multiple sql queries that needs to be ran, some with more than one version, so let's break them down. All of these can be found in the extras folder.
Run these three SQL queries.
Framework Specific
Choose the SQL query specific to your framework
QB ->
QBCore Modifications.sql
ESX ->
ESX Modifications.sql
Note that we also offer a fresh SQL to run if you don't have an existing table, however, this is very rare and won't be covered in here to avoid any confusion.
If you want ~20 pre-configured garages to get started without any extra setup, you can run our SQL query and get started right away. If you would like to create and customize all garages yourself, run the clean one.
Pre-configured Garages (~20) ->
zyke_garages WITH BASIC GARAGES.sql
Empty garage list ->
zyke_garages CLEAN.sql
Vehicle Migration
Initialization Showcase (500 Random Vehicles, 18.2s) - Slightly outdated, now even faster!
Our garage contains a lot of functionality, and because of this, there has to be a vehicle migration performed. Don't worry, it's easy!
All you have to do is run the command found here. However, we very much recommend you read the information below and watch the showcase to be prepared as to what will happen.
All previous vehicle details will stay exactly as before. This step is required since some values we use are impossible to fetch without having the entity be spawned.
Good To Know
Our resource boasts a built-in premium keysystem with backwards compatibility for the most popular alternatives on the market (qs, wasabi, qb). In order for our system to work properly, you are required to disable any other keysystem on your server.
If you keep our keysystems on your server, including the ones we have listed as backwards compatible, you WILL face synchronization issues.
Clear Old Appended Columns
To ensure that the command completely works, we recommend you deleting any columns that was created by a previous script, that is not native to your cardealer for your framework. This is not always required, but can cause issues if a previous garage system has had similar column names and set value types not corresponding to what we require. If you want help, we offer free support for this through our Discord.
Specifically, some servers may already contain a vin
column, which will incorrectly flag the vehicle as already initialized.
Default Garage
If you are initializing vehicles without any garages set up, the default garage will become a random one, or none at all since one could not be found. Make sure to set up your garages and your default garage to avoid having to transfer your vehicles later down the line.
Perform Database Backup
We recommend performing a database backup. The resource has been tested numerous times and works, but you should always create a backup just in case.
Last updated
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