Common Issues
Common issues you may run into.
Incorrect VIN Number
If you have another resource with a VIN number in your database, such as a vehicle registration script, you need to match the VIN number length in the config to the VIN number length in your vehicle registration script.
VIN numbers have to be longer than an entity handle. This is roughly 7-8 digits. A minimum of 10 for the length is required. We recommend not changing the default value assigned, which is 17.
Vehicle Damage Not Saving
If the vehicle deformation is not saving and appears to be repaired every time you park and take it out, make sure that all dependencies are started. We utilize zyke_vehdeformation to save and apply deformation. This deformation is primarily visible, and doesn't have any effect on engine health etc.
Engine Is Starting Without Keys / Engine Acting Weird
If your engine is acting weird, such as starting / stopping unexpectedly, or keys not acting accordingly, there are a few common scnearios you may experience.
Fuel may be a factor. Depending on your fuel system, your engine might be turned off continuously because it is too low.
Incorrect Configuration
If the vehicle is a temporary vehicle (not owned), you may have set the configuration value to act this way. We allow temporary vehicles to be started without keys if you allow it. This is disabled by default.
Third-Party Resources
If the vehicle is owned, and you do not have the keys, that means there is a third-party resource starting the engine. We explicitly block engine starting if you don't have any keys, this can not be overriden except if a native call is done via another script.
To combat confusion, our system syncs with the other resource calling this, so that our system can act accordingly.
This is not something we can help you with. It would require someone to have access to all your server files to modify it. You will have to either remove the code that starts your engine, or stop the resource altogether.
What To Do
Usually, your issue lies within a vehicle management script of sorts, however, it can be part of any script. Huds, vehicle management, gear systems, small resources etc. The usual suspect is that the SetVehicleEngineOn
is triggered. This line would either have to be removed, or the script would have to be stopped altogether.
Last updated
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