
Explanations for all config values.

General Information

Additional Settings If there is a feature within the script that you can't find in the script's config, there is a chance that the configuration lies within Zyke Lib. Keymapping When stated to utilize keymapping, the key can be changed in your GTA / FiveM keybinds. Keys All available keys can be found here. Prop Models All prop models can be found here. Ped Models All ped models can be found here. Blip Settings All blip settings can be found here.


All basic settings.


Set this to a language file available. By default there is "en". You can create your own translations in the locales folder and set your language here. Example:

language = "en"


Simply the lighter item that is required to light your cigarettes, joints, cigars and bong.


lighterItem = "lighter"


The max length you can hold you breath for, in seconds. Minimum required value is 0.1. It is recommended to keep this around 2.5-4.0. Example:

maxInhale = 3.0


When you inhale for the entire duration, you still start coughing. If this option is set to true, all the effects that are usually applied will be removed. Note that the visual effects are unchanged by this value. Example:

cancelBenefitsOnMaxHit = true


When you use a smokeable item for the first time, a popup will appear displaying all the default keybinds. This will only appear once, and when closed down it is saved on the client. You can reset this by running /reset_disclaimer, or when you reinstall your game. All keys used in the resource can be changed in your FiveM keybind settings, constantly displaying them on the selected keys on screen was a design choice we didn't think would fit. You can also disable this disclaimer by setting the value to false, however, it is very much recommended to keep it as true to avoid any confusion. Example:

firstTimeUseDisclaimer = true


The default keys for all actions. These are all configurable in your FiveM keybind settings. Example:

keys = {
    ["hit"] = "E",
    ["switchPlacement"] = "H",
    ["cancel"] = "X",
    ["transferItem"] = "J",


Configurable values for the passive smoke particles that appear for different types of smokeables. Example:

passiveSmoke = {
    joint = 0.03,
    cigarette = 0.03,
    cigar = 0.05,


Configurable values for the exhale smoke particles that appears for different types of smokeables. Example:

exhaleSmoke = {
    joint = 0.17,
    cigarette = 0.15,
    cigar = 0.18,
    bong = 0.3,
    vape = 0.25,


When joints, cigarettes or cigars are lit, there is a decay that takes place every second. It is a small amount that gets removed from the total amount to simulate the passive burning. Example:

decay = {
    joint = 0.1,
    cigarette = 0.1,
    cigar = 0.2,


This configuration allows you to change the base amount that will be used. A value of 1.0 is the default, and allows for 100 seconds of inhaling. Modifying this multiplier will change how everything for that drug is calculated. All values will be multiplied by the useMultplier, this allows you to configure the smoking length as you please, whilst also having predictible effects. Please see our examples below. The overall takeaway is that values are multiplied by the useMultiplier. Multiplier : 1.0

  • 100 seconds of inhaling.

  • With an effect set as 60.0, you will receive 0.6 of said effect per second.

Multiplier : 2.0

  • 50 seconds of inhaling.

  • With an effect set as 60.0, you will receive 1.2 of said effect per second.

Multiplier : 0.5

  • 200 seconds of inhaling.

  • With an effect set as 60.0, you will receive 0.3 of said effect per second.

Multiplier : 0.1

  • 1000 seconds of inhaling.

  • With an effect set as 60.0, you will receive 0.06 of said effect per second.


useMultiplier = {
    joint = 1.4,
    cigarette = 1.6,
    cigar = 1.3,
    bong = 1.0,
    vape = 0.4,


Various settings for the positions of the props spawning. It is important to modify these values when adding or changing the props to ensure that props are correctly aligned. If you are using the script as is, there is no need to care for these values.


Various settings for particles. Example:

particles = {
    dict = "core",
    name = "exp_grd_bzgas_smoke",
    offsets = {
        ["p_amb_joint_01"] = {x = -0.11, y = 0.0, z = 0.0},
        ["ng_proc_cigarette01a"] = {x = -0.07, y = 0.0, z = 0.0},
        ["prop_cigar_03"] = {x = -0.01, y = 0.0, z = 0.0},


The particle dictionary, also known as category. Example:

dict = "core"


The name for the particle. Make sure this particle exists within the dictionary. Example:

name = "exp_grd_bzgas_smoke"


Particle offsets for the different props, deciding where the particles spawn. Make sure to configure all props you add. Note that this does not count for vapes or bongs.


Various settings for the screen effects. The screen effects work in a queue. This means that if you have smoked different substances, you will experience them all, for however long you consumed the smokeable for. Example:

screenEffects = {
    maxDuration = 600,
    minAmount = 100.0,
    multiplier = 7.5,
    decay = 1.0,


The total and max duration for your effects. Note that this combined all your queued effects to determine if you can add more. Example:

maxDuration = 600


The minimum total amount of seconds you need queued for your effects to start playing. This amount is recommended to be rather high to prevent instant highs that fade if you're not constantly smoking. It also ensures that you consume a good amount of product before a high can be felt. Example:

minAmount = 100.0


Multiplier for the screen effect time based on the amount you used, can be configured to your server's needs but overall serves as a way to better display the high felt when smoking, not when you consume an unreal amount of the product. Example:

multiplier = 7.5


If you stop smoking, we want to slowly remove the product from your system. Every 5 seconds, the decay is removed from your screen effect time. This approach ensures that you won't get hit with a high when you consume a very small amount of product once significant time has passed. Example:

decay = 1.0


Various extra settings specifically for vapes. Example:

vapeExtras = {
    batteryItem = "vape_battery",
    batteryDrain = 0.12,
    items = {
        ["vape_flavour_capsule"] = {
            effects = {...}


The item used to refill the battery in your vape. Example:

batteryItem = "vape_battery"


The battery drained per second when inhaling. Example:

batteryDrain = 0.12


Available flavour packs for the vape. Each flavour allows for a different effect when consumed. Each flavour has access to the same effect properties as any of the cigarettes, joints and cigars. Example:

items = {
    ["vape_flavour_capsule"] = {
        effects = {...}


Various extra settings specifically for bongs. Example:

bongExtras = {
    waterItem = "bong_water",
    waterDrain = 0.5,
    items = {
        ["weed_nugget"] = {
            effects = {...}


The item used to refill the water in your bong. Example:

waterItem = "bong_water"


The water drained per second when inhaling. Example:

waterDrain = 0.5


Available products to fill the bong with and smoke. Each product allows for a different effect when consumed. Each product has access to the same effect properties as any of the cigarettes, joints and cigars. Example:

items = {
    ["weed_nugget"] = {
        effects = {...}


Various sound files for different actions. Make sure that you have all of these files in your zyke_sounds resource. Example:

sound = {
    ["exhale"] = {
        name = "exhale.wav",
        volume = 0.2,
        distance = 2.0,
    ["inhale"] = {
        name = "inhale.wav",
        volume = 0.05,
        distance = 2.0,


The file sound name that will be played. Example:

name = "exhale.wav"


The max volume that can be played. This volume is affected by the distance to the source. Example:

volume = 0.2


The max distance you can hear the sounds playing. Example:

distance = 2.0


Usable packs containing cigarettes, joints or cigars. Create these based on your needs, when given by any means our resource makes sure the required data exists for them item. Drag the pack to ues, and you will receive the item configured to be given. Example:

packs = {
    ["cigarette_pack"] = {
        itemToGive = "cigarette",
        amount = 20,
    -- Feel free to add more types of packs below


The item to give when the pack is used. Example:

itemToGive = "cigarette"


The initial amount for the pack, will be subtracted when the pack is used. Example:

amount = 20


Various styling properties you can change to easily personalize the design of the UI. Example:

itemDataIndicators = {
    color = "var(--blue)",
    animation = {
        ["finished"] = {
            opacity = 1,
            bottom = "0.5rem",
        ["exit"] = {
            opacity = 0,
            bottom = "-2rem",
    style = {
        transform = "translateX(calc(-50% - 17rem))",


Available cigarettes to smoke. Example:

Config.Cigarettes = {
    ["joint"] = {
        type = "joint",
        prop = "p_amb_joint_01",
        effects = {...}


The type of cigarette. Available types: joint, cigarette & cigar Example:

type = "joint"


The prop for your cigarette. Example:

prop = "p_amb_joint_01"


Various effects available to apply after inhaling. All these effects are applied based on the amount used, see useMultiplier for more information. Example:

effects = {
    health = 50.0,
    armor = 25.0,
    screenEffect = "BikerFilter",
    clientFunc = function(value, item, metadata)
        -- print("Total amount has been removed:", value)
        -- print("Used item", item)
    serverFunc = function(value, item, metadata)
        -- print("Total amount has been removed:", value)
        -- print("Used item", item)


The total health you will gain when consuming an entire product. Example:

health = 50.0


The total armor you will gain when consuming an entire product. Example:

armor = 25.0


The screen effect that will be played if you reach the minimum amount, more information can be found here: screenEffects.minAmount. You can find more effects here. Example:

screenEffect = "BikerFilter"


A client function that is ran after inhaling, providing you with the amount used and the current item, or current flavour/product, that was used. This can be used to incorporate other status systems creating external effects. Example:

---@param value number
---@param item string
---@param metadata table
clientFunc = function(value, item, metadata)
    -- print("Total amount has been removed:", value)
    -- print("Used item", item)


A server function that is ran after inhaling, providing you with the player id that triggered the function, the amount used and the current item, or current flavour/product, that was used. This can be used to incorporate other status systems creating external effects. Example:

---@param playerId integer
---@param value number
---@param item string
---@param metadata table
serverFunc = function(playerId, value, item, metadata)
    -- print("Server function triggered by", playerId)
    -- print("Total amount has been removed:", value)
    -- print("Used item", item)


Various items and props for bongs and vapes. Example:

Config.Refillables = {
    ["bong"] = {
        type = "bong",
        prop = "prop_bong_01",
    ["vape"] = {
        type = "vape",
        prop = "ba_prop_battle_vape_01",
    ... Add more items with different props


Customize the lighter prop model and it's attachment properties, allowing a range of lighters to all fit perfectly with some adjustments. Example:

Config.LighterProps = {
    ["lighter"] = {
        model = "p_cs_lighter_01",

        ["hand"] = {
            ["bong"] = {
                bone = 64016,
                offset = {x = 0.01, y = -0.03, z = -0.02},
                rotation = {x = -50.0, y = 50.0, z = -50.0},

        ["mouth"] = {
            ["cigarette"] = {
                bone = 64016,
                offset = {x = 0.0, y = -0.03, z = -0.02},
                rotation = {x = -50.0, y = 50.0, z = -50.0},
    -- Add other lighter props here

Last updated