Answers to frequently asked questions
Are any of the files locked?
In all of our resources we protect ourselves from unauthorized distribution by using Tebex's Escrow technology which allows us to lock the core functionalities. At the same time we are open for customization in our resource with various unlocked files, access to change various functions in zyke_lib and large configuration files. If you have any questions about a specific resource, we are happy to help you in our Discord.
If you want to learn more about how Escrow works, you can read more here.
Can I purchase the source code?
No. We do not offer source code for any resources for the reason above.
What inventories/target systems/progressbars do you support?
You can find all of that information here, in our library's readme file.
How do I claim my resource?
First, head over to your Keymaster and log into the cfx.re (FiveM) account you purchased the script with. When you've logged in, head over to Granted Assets and you will be shown a menu will all of your assets (resources, scripts, props etc).
Do you take suggestions?
Yes, we happily take suggestions, for both new resource ideas and feature ideas for older resources! All you have to do is head over to our Discord, go into the suggestions channel and share your thoughts!
Can I switch framework for the scripts I have purchased?
Yes. This is because all of our resources are dependant on zyke_lib. You can change all framework dependencies in our library.
Since version 1.0.0 your framework gets fetched automatically. This allows for an easy drag-and-drop straight from one framework to another.
What is a starting sequence?
When script depend on eachother for functionality, you need to verify your resources are starting in the correct order. Sometimes you can run almost any starting sequence, but when you start including more advanced resources in your server, you may need to get more specific.
The usual suspect is that you are starting entire folders at once, and your resources may start in the wrong sequence. One resource that depends on another is queued first, and it all breaks.
When you start your server, the easiest way to tell if a dependency is not started is to have a look in the server console. It will explicitly tell you that your resource is missing dependencies.
If a support is asking you to provide your resource starting sequence, what you need to provide is a part of your server.cfg file so we can analyze it. We do not need the entire file, none of your personal keys etc. All we need is the list of all of your resources starting. Additionally, we may ask for the structures of your folders to see where each resource starts.
Our recommendation is that you start zyke_lib at the bottom of your starting sequence, and all other zyke resources after that. This ensures that each resource is explicitly started in the correct order, and will not cause issues.
Last updated
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