📋Exports & Events

All exports and events available to integrate this resource into others.

Types / Classes

All types / classes can be found in shared/unlocked/types.lua.


If you wish to have any exports and or events added, please head over to our Discord and create a suggestion post. We are happy to allow for easier integration within other resources.

Client Exports

Is In Gang

A function to see if you are in a gang or not. Example:

---@return boolean

Retrieving Player's Gang Id

Returns the players' gang id. If you pass in a valid server id, it will return the gang id for that player, or can be left as nil to use the client's server id. Example:

---@param plyId number | nil
---@return string | nil

Getting Player Rank

Will return the player's rank table and index for the rank in their gang's data. Example:

---@return Rank | nil, number | nil

Getting Member Table

Export to return the member table for that player. Example:

---@return Member | nil

Get Gang Name

Returns the gang name. Used as a display label. Example:

---@return string | nil

Get Gang

Returns the entire gang table stored on the client side. This is lots of information and should not be fetched too often. Example:

---@return GangData | nil

Get Gang Color

Returns the gang color in a table with rgb keys. Example:

---@return table | nil

Server Exports

Get Gang

Get gang from gang id. The copy parameter should only be used internally. Example:

---@param gangId string
---@param copy boolean? @If set to true, it will return a copy of the data instead
---@return table | nil
exports["zyke_gangphone"]:GetGang(gangId, copy)

Get Player Gang Id

Get a player's gang id from their player id, also known as source. Example:

---@param playerId integer
---@return string | nil

Get Player Gang

Get the player's gang from their player id, also known as source. Example:

---@param playerId integer
---@return GangData | nil

Get Player Gang By Identifier

Get the player's gang from their character identifier. Example:

---@param plyIdentifier string
---@return GangData | nil

Get Gang Turf Standing

Returns the overall standing in turf wars. Can be used to check if a gang can attack / defend turfs, displaying their overall strength and be used as a reputation. Example:

---@param gangId string
---@return integer

Last updated